Tuesday, September 21, 2010

By JDC88 on 09/21/2010 at 8:04pm

Their is such a gross through-line of disconnect from the working/middle working class in these profiles, it really sickens me. Such an achingly ingracious acknowledgment of the disparity, in human terms, between the banker and the doctor. Interesting that the there was no mention, in any empathetic way, of the effect that this homophilic culture's self-interest had and still has on the 401Ks of normal working Americans, who are merely trying to, and excuse the mundane humility of it all, earn a living and carve out an education and a somewhat improved future outlook for their family. We hear again and again, keep the government's hands off my money! Well how about this: keep Wall Street's hands off my money. Hmmm...how would that privatization of Social Security have worked out, do you think? These fund managers and brokers are bright people who are not, I hasten to point out, blinded enough by the context of their own uber-cultural environment to not be aware of the ramifications in HUMAN TERMS to the type of folks with whom most of them, I suspect, would squirm if expected to spend longer than 5 minutes at a Thanksgiving table. They were irresponsible and the consequences of their actions reached far and wide. I feel absolutely no sorrow for their plight, especially in light of the fact that they were rescued by the tax dollars of those very same folks that will never register on their moral radar screens. It makes my skin crawl.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post. I'm so tired of hearing some of these people in the "preferred class" belittle the plight of the middle/lower class.

    Make no mistake, we're ALL feeling the effects of this economy, but I wouldn't dare smugly insinuate that if "the middle/lower class" knew how to handle their money, they wouldn't be in the fix they are in. Believe it or not, I've heard that message more than once locally.

    And, those too lazy to investigate the truth believe it as gospel. THAT is frightening.

    By the way, a darker or lighter font is needed to read your blog.

